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If your journey down the proverbial rabbit hole has cost you friends and family, destroyed your marriage, convinced loved ones that you are crazy, and has made your life a veil of tears, this book is for you.
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Paul Grafton Holt BA, BTH MA, DA
This Is truly a monumental work of distinction. You don’t have to be a Christian (as the author is) to enjoy reading this work. Its informative on a plethora of subjects from Cestui Que Vie Trusts (you need to know this if nothing else), the Mandela Effect and why its important right now especially (things are miraculously changing in front of our eyes – physics is now very much quantum/meta physics) and even the Flat Earth and why it offers a more compelling explanation over the spinning ball theory we’ve all grown up with – no really. The authors enthusiasm for his subject matter shines through in every page and sweeps you up and along with him. This is a page turner and I finished it in a day and a half. The agony of his personal journey is emotionally absorbing and inspiring. I commend this book to anyone who has ever grappled with convincing others that not every conspiracy is a theory.

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Why are conspiracy theorists persecuted?
Most of humanity has been trained to attack those that decide to challenge certain narratives coming from OfficialDUM. This book provides support and guidance for those who have found themselves being labeled as "conspiracy theorists."
Get the book, join our discussion groups, and take part in our live streams.
This book will help you to;
Identify these shaming attacks.
Learn how to respond.
Fulfill your destiny.
The Conspiracy Theorist Survival Guide;
Will reveal thoughts and feelings you didn’t know you had.
Answers the question, “Why can’t people see?”
Addresses common issues that Truthers struggle with, once they admit publicly that they believe things like;
The moon landing was fake
The ISS is fake
9/11 was fake
The Earth is flat
The Mandela Effect is real
Chemtrails are real
There is a shadow government
Eugenics programs are real
If you have started to question OfficialDUM and believe in conspiracy theories, then you are probably walking a lonely road.
You are not alone!
4 Jacks
Been disrespected?
"Been disrespected by friends & family over the Truth? This is the book for you.
Once I picked this book up I had to push aside everything else I was reading & it's so easy & enjoyable & flows wonderfully. 'Normies' are 99%+ of the people I meet in my daily life (friends, family, strangers) & this is the ultimate guide book on how to maturely deal with their disrespect towards us & potentially communicate with them. I've all but given up on them at this point but John has given me a new set of tools. Bravo my friend, it's an incredible book. Infinite blessings."
I Couldn't Put it Down!
"I've got to say - you nailed it! Being a "conspiracy theorist" myself, the book was thoroughly engaging, truly philosophical with poignant insights and metaphors. It made me feel equipped to continue my journey with confidence and be able to understand why others buy into the "conspiracy theory" name-calling trap. I've enjoyed reading it for 3 straight nights and can honestly say that there is nothing to add. A book beautifully written for the mental health of the "truther" falsely accused of being a nutjob!"